Prom may be one of the most stressful, but best moments of your life. as a typical teenage girl would say. I feel like it’s almost a sneak peek at how your wedding might go. Prom is now 27 days away, and I feel like a ball of rubber bands about to burst. Each band is just another thing to do or worry about and it’s all just piling up. It's all anyone is talking about, which makes me a bit anxious, but I feel like breaking it all down and ranting about it however may help to calm me a bit.
First of all, I still need to get tickets which I can't do until I get my dates guest form in.
Then, I need to find a dress, which I've been trying to do since January. I've visited just about every dress store in Delaware, PA, and Jersey and tried on just about every dress available in my size, but haven't liked any of them. Last year, I think I may have tried on a good handful of dresses and I immediately knew which two I wanted for my proms that year, but this year it's just not happening. I've hated just about everything I've tried on and I'm running out of options and time because I need a dress before I can pick out my makeup, hair, tan, shoes, jewelry, and just about everything else. It all revolves around the dress.
After that I've got to figure out what we’re doing for pictures because we were doing them at my house, but then we sold my house. The worst part of all of it is that move out day is prom day. I need to have everything out of the house by April 28 and it also means that that venue is out of the picture. So I need to pack while finding another place to take pictures that will make everyone happy.
After that, I need to go find shoes and jewelry that matches my dress, however my shoes can't be too tall or too short so I'm not taller than my date. I also have to decide on hair that's easy enough to get done in a couple of hours and not too complicated so the hairdresser can't mess it up. I also have to decide on a makeup look so I can send it to my girl in advance so she can go buy all the products and make sure it's going to look perfect.
Next I have to decide when to start tanning, how tan I want to be, and find time to do it. I don't want to start tanning now because we have spring break coming up and I'll be tan from that, but I don't want tan lines and what if I'm not tan enough by prom? Then I also have to decide on a nail color, shape, and length that matches everything but is still easy to work with and doesn't get in the way of everything.
After I get all of that done, I still have to stress about it all being perfect until prom actually comes because something can always go wrong. And that is why I am stressing out because 27 days is no time at all to get everything done and make sure it's completely up to my picture perfect standards.
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