Saturday, April 1, 2017

(3/11) Countdown

Today, we seem to count everything down. Instead of living in the moment and wanting to make the most out of everything, we want to rush through it all and speed up time until we get to the moment we've been waiting for. And even then, we don't enjoy that moment. We’re constantly thinking ahead and rushing every moment. We constantly think about what could happen and what is going to happen instead of focusing on what is happening in front of us. When did we learn to live this way? I know I'm guilty of it, I've even got a countdown app on my phone. Countdown to spring break (13 days) , to prom (27 days), to graduation (49 days), and so on. It never stops. Yes, I think it's important to think and plan ahead by knowing when things are and what you're going to do, but isn't the point of living life to live in the moment and enjoy it while it lasts? You're never going to get this time back, so why rush through it?

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